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Our Impact

Through youth-led action, young people are empowered to create change for themselves, their peers and the community. 

Our validated monitoring and evaluation tools* show that participants in our social action programmes achieve the following outcomes: 

​​√   Increased Resilience and Well-being

    Greater Sense of Belonging

​​    Increased Skills and Experience

* Our evaluation framework and standard of evidence have been accredited by the Centre for Youth Impact (Project Oracle Level 2).

75% of participants in our social action programmes show a significant improvement in their mental health according to the SWEMHWBS scale*. Young people also report increased confidence, positive relationships with peers and higher self-esteem.


We use the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Health Wellbeing scale (SWEMHWBS) to measure young people’s mental health and well-being.  SWEMHWBS is a widely recognised and validated evaluation tool.

According to the SWEMWBS, 69% of young people improved their wellbeing score by more than 1 point which, according to the scale, reflects the change was likely to be important to them*.


The evaluation data also shows participation in youth social action decreased ‘low levels’ of mental health (from 34% at start of programme to 7% at end), and increased ‘high levels’, of mental health (from 8% to 24%)*. 

Improved Mental Health 1.png

Results also show that, prior to the programme, participants’ average wellbeing score was 1.5 points below the national average. Post-programme mean score was 2.3 points above the national average*.  

*based on 376 completed surveys among our 2023-24 attendees.

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