Past Awards

  • M1ckAdm1n
  • February 16, 2013


We participate in the Jack Petchey Achievement Awards Scheme to celebrate the achievements of our young people. Every month for nine months of the year, one of our members is nominated for the Jack Petchey Award to recognise an outstanding achievement. As part of the Award, they receive a grant of £200 which they can spend on an item or activity benefiting a group of young people.

Here you will find a selection of our recent award winners.

                                                                           Jack Petchey Winner November 2015: Star Moini

Star Jack Petchey winnerDave, Youth Participation Manager says: Since Star has joined us she has shown nothing but commitment, enthusiasm and passion for the work we do, in particular the peer education programme. She has been a great influence to her peers as she has always been on time, attended every session and is up for all aspects of the programme. She has delivered mental health awareness to 5 groups already and has received brilliant feedback from profession (Anna Freud Centre). Her confidence and public speaking skills have improved immensely and she has added the experience to her CV, which she says will be beneficial for her future prospects. 

Star’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award“I feel very happy, proud and appreciative to have worn this Jack Petchey award, due to being involved in the peer education programme. I have enjoyed the work and presenting to different groups of people and it’s been great being involved in the group. Therefore, I would like to take us out for a meal to celebrate our                                                                                                                  achievements and also benefit other young people by buying a bench for FYA for other people                                                                                                   to hang out on”.

                                                                         Jack Petchey Winner October 2015: Eden Steenkamp

EdenShipon, Peer Education and Media Manager says: Eden has been with us for over a year and I am surprised she hasn’t won this award already for her participation in every aspect of our work, for being so committed, demonstrating great enthusiasm and being a role model to her peers. Since starting, she has developed so much in her confidence and skills, as she has delivered peer education to hard to reach young people, interacted with members of the public at our community events and hosted and presented on stage at our showcase. She is a great asset to the organisation and should be proud of her achievements.

Eden’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I feel proud and surprised to have won this award for my contribution to FYA’s work. I am happy I am still here with FYA because everyone is so nice and it’s something I enjoy doing. I am a part of the dance crew and we have been working hard. Therefore, I will spend the money on taking my dance group out to a fun day.”


Jack Petchey Winner September 2015: Kevin Ha

David Wong, Youth Participation Manager says: Since starting Kevin has shown great commitment and enthusiasm for the work we do and the work he is involved in. he participated in organising our street party and attended our leadership residential. At the event he was a great role model fro others to follows, as he worked hard on the day to serve the members of the public and support the team to deliver the event, as well as performed on the day.

Kevin’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I feel great, proud and motivated that I have won this award for my participation in the work FYA does, such as the events steering group, residential team work building and the street party event. I’m passionate about dancing as I have been dancing since secondary school, which is why I have chosen to spend the money I have received from Jack Petchey on a dance teacher for myself and peers. ”


Jack Petchey Winner May 2015: Shahel Ahmed

Dave, Youth Participation Manager says: Shahel has done so much for the organisation and is very popular with his peers. Shahel has been involved in the football programme, peer education programme and events programme. Shahel’s peers respect and look up to him and have voted for him to win this award. Shahel has shown great leadership, especially as an assistant coach for our under 12 coaching sessions, he is definitely a deserved winner of this award.

Shahel’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I feel proud to have won this award, it’s very warming to have my work appreciated, as I feel I have achieved and contributed a lot with FYA. Thank you to everyone who voted for me. I will be spending the money on celebrating with my peers by taking them out for a meal and contributing the rest to the peer education programme.”


Jack Petchey Winner April 2015: Hiva Hosseini

Alice, Youth Participation Officer says: Since joining FYA in January, Hiva has been involved in multiple event projects, contributing lots of ideas and creative thinking. Hiva has been a committed and enthusiastic member of the Cumberland Market Festival steering group. She has attended every week and always gets involved in activities. She has also volunteered at other events, such as the Camden Youth Action! Showcase, where she hosted and performed on stage. She is a valued member of the group and everyone appreciates her great input to the project.

Hiva’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I feel very excited to have won this award. I’m thankful for the groups support and happy they have nominated me. The group has been working hard for the past few months and this award represents everyone’s hard work and this is why I’m using the money for a group trip to celebrate our achievements.”


Jack Petchey Winner March 2015: Afrin Alam

Dave, Youth Participation Manager says: Since starting with FYA, Afrin has shown great commitment and enthusiasm for the work we do. Afrin is currently involved in the peer education programme and the steering group organising the Camden Youth Action! Showcase, she has always attended all the sessions and is at the forefront of the work. Afrin has developed a great rapport with her peers, and demonstrated her many different skills, such as leadership. When the young people were asked to vote who they felt deserved the Jack Petchey award, they all voted for Afrin.

Afrin’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I was voted by the group for my contribution to the peer education programme and my consistent positive attitude towards delivering the mental health workshops. I’m very happy about receiving the award. I’m spending the money on different groups of the peer education programme to go out for a meal”

Musa Jack

Jack Petchey Winner February 2015: Musa Shah

Alice, Youth Participation Officer saysMusa is an enthusiastic member of Cumberland Youth Club healthy living drop-in session and always gets involved in activities. He looks out for other members and is friendly to everyone. Musa has also shown commitment to the club by coming up with new ideas of activities that will appeal to other young people, such as trips and tournaments. He sets a great example to other young people and is a valued member of the youth club.

Musa’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I am really pleased to have won this award as I like coming to the youth club every week. I decided to use the money for a half term trip to Wembley Stadium where we were taken on a guided tour. Everyone had a great time getting to sit in the manager’s seat in the press box, walking down the players’ tunnel and holding the FA Cup. I am happy other members of the youth club got to enjoy this award on the trip, thank you FYA.”

Hamza King January 2015 winner

Jack Petchey Winner January 2015: Hamza King

Alice, Youth Participation Officer saysHamza is a dedicated and motivated member of the Showcase event steering group. He is always engaged in the session and takes part in group discussions. This is felt by the other young people in the group as they voted for Hamza to receive the award. He has also volunteered to do presentations on behalf of the group and has spoken very well and received positive feedback.

Hamza’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I feel privileged to have worked with such a dedicated team who have all worked really hard towards organising our Showcase event. It will be great to go out as a group to celebrate our achievement. I am honoured to have achieved this award on behalf of all of us.”

photo Muna Ali

Jack Petchey Winner November 2014: Muna Ali

Shipon, Youth Participation Officer saysThe award was given to Muna for her outstanding contribution to the work we do, especially the peer education programme. When I asked the group who deserves to receive the award they all agreed it should go to Muna because she is committed, reliable and passionate about the work we do over the time she has been with us. I am very proud to present her with this award.

Muna’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I’ve been working with FYA for over a year a now and I am so pleased and honoured that my work has been recognised and rewarded. I will use the Jack Petchey award as evidence of my work in my personal statement for universities and future CV and job opportunities”.

Drin Barbatovci

Jack Petchey Winner October 2014: Drin Barbatovci

Dave, Youth Participation Manager saysDrin has been a part of FYA for a while now and is currently one of the members of our mental health peer education cohort. When I asked the young people cohort who they thought should win the Jack Petchey award they immediately voted for Drin, because he has been very committed to the work, always on time, well-mannered and very enthusiastic about the work we do here at FYA. He is a role model for other young people and I am very proud to present him with this award.

Drin’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “I’m proud to have won and that I was nominated with the belief from the group that I have put in the most extra effort and work. I’ll spend the money to further develop the group and get a table tennis table for the Hpod”


Jack Petchey Winner September 2014: Mohi Uddin

Youth Participation Manager saysMohi has displayed real enthusiasm, commitment and ‘going the extra distance’ when he was a part of our 2014 street party steering group. He helped in organising and planning the event, as well as volunteering on the day, which all members of the steering group did as well. But what put Mohi at the forefront, was that he encouraged other young people to get involved in the project and displayed real leadership qualities during the sessions, such as displaying good behaviour and encouraging the group to do the work. I am very proud to award Mohi with this award as he really deserves it.

Mohi’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: “it feels amazing to win this Jack Petchey award for being a part of the Street Party steering group. It’s a real privilege to achieve this award. I look forward to spending the money on FYA to improve their work and relationship with young people”


Jack Petchey Winner June 2014: Riaz Hoque

Head Football Coach Tony says about RiazThis award is given to Riaz because of the full commitment he has when it comes to football training and helping out on projects. His attendance is the highest and when he cannot make a session, he always leaves a message. Riaz was also a great help at our planting project, very considerate and eager to join in. These examples have demonstrated his reliability.

Riaz’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award:I won the Jack Petchey Award because of my attendance and I feel proud of myself for winning it out of so many of people. I will be spending the money on Go-karting.

Armend Jashari

Jack Petchey Winner May 2014: Armend Jashari

Mentoring Programme Manager Cara says about Armend:Armend is involved in our mentoring programme. He is currently NEET and working with a mentor so he can confidently move into employment or an apprenticeship. Armend was selected from 12 young people to do a work placement with Virgin Trains. Having completed the placement and receiving great feedback, he has been offered a longer placement for one month, in the hope that they will be able to offer him a paid role on completion. Since taking part in the programme, Armend’s confidence and motivation to look for work has significantly improved. He is frequently applying for work and putting himself forward for new opportunities. Armend now has a pro-active approach to his job search and understands how to present himself in a professional manner.

Armend’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award:I won the Jack Petchey Award because I completed this 2 week work placement with Virgin Trains successfully. I feel grateful and very pleased to have achieved such a distinguished award and I’ve decided to spend the prize money of £200 on a confidence building Segway experience with a few other young people involved in the programme. It will be great to meet the other young people to start networking with my peers.

Abbey Liddell

Jack Petchey Winner April 2014: Abbey Liddell

Youth Participation Officer Shipon says about Abbey:Abbey has been involved in the Drugs Peer Education programme since October 2013. She has shown exceptional commitment to the project and determined to help raise awareness about Drugs and Alcohol to other young people. Abbey is a very influential member of the group, in many occasions she has demonstrated leadership skills and the ability to motivate and organise other young people throughout the course of the programme.

Abbey’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award:Not only have I have enjoyed participating in the Drugs Peer Education Project, I am honoured that my contributions have been recognised. This project helped me enhance my leadership skills and my confidence in my abilities by delivering factual information to other peers who do not have the correct information about drugs, nor the opportunity to participate in such projects. My group has worked really hard together in ensuring our project is successful and I would like the money to be spent on a reward trip so everyone’s contributions are recognised.


Jack Petchey Winner March 2014: Aaminah Mahmood

Youth Participation Officer Rahima says about Aaminah:Since Aaminah began attending the Healthy Living drop-in she has consistently been getting involved in all the activities that are provided. She is always enthusiastic during each session and does her level best to get others involved. She continuously shows leadership skills where she is able to confidently delegate certain tasks to others, e.g. during role play. As a result of Aaminah’s positive influence, the confidence of her fellow peers has also increased. She is very strong headed and puts her opinions forward confidently which enables us to come up with new ideas.

Aaminah’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award:: I am so happy that I have won a Jack Petchey Award! I have been going to the afterschool club since the very beginning and I enjoy it every week. I really like the staff because they are always helpful and try to make the sessions fun and exciting. I think that I won because I always get involved and tried to make my friends do the same. I try to help out as much as I can because there are some children that find it hard to listen. By getting this award, it shows that I am appreciated which I am very happy about. As a group we decided to spend the money on new arts and crafts materials like jewellery making kits which is my favourite, painting, new Wii games and a toaster. Thank you so much FYA!

Nita Madjuni

Jack Petchey Winner February 2014: Nita Madjuni

Youth Participation Officer Rahima says about Nita:From the start of the Christmas Event project the young person has attended a majority of the sessions with a few exceptions due to exams. Her contribution and participation to all activities is always noticed as well as her enthusiasm and passion to deliver the goal. She also tries her level best to get the others involved too, showing great leadership skills. She has shown exceptional commitment to the project and determination through her thoughtful ideas which has enabled us to achieve a successful event.

Nita’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: I am so happy that I have won this award, thank you so much. My family will be really pleased. It feels great to know that my contribution to the project is greatly appreciated which is reflected in this award. I believe I won this award because I have tried my upmost to attend every session; I am always willing to participate in each activity in order to deliver the outcomes. The money was spent on an outing with the girls for a meal and cinema which everyone enjoyed as it gave us the chance to get to know each other better and was a nice end to the project.

Conor Quirke

Jack Petchey Winner January 2014: Conor Quirke

Head Football Tony says about Conor:Conor has been volunteering with us for the past eight months. This award has been given to Conor for his great input in the football coaching of the young people. He has put together a team of players from where he lives and given them organised football. These boys have been grateful and it has shown a positive effect on them. This has given Conor the drive to help these kids by taking his coaching badges.

Conor’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: It is an honour to be awarded with a Jack Petchey award as it shows appreciation for the hard work I have done and gives me the motivation to push on further. I have decided to use the money to get uniforms for the volunteer coaches as a way of giving something back and to make us look more of a team and more professional.

Raphael Braithwaite2

Jack Petchey Winner November 2013: Raphael Braithwaite

Youth Participation Officer Shipon says about Raphael:Raphael has been a very influential member of the Drugs Peer Education Programme. He has shown exceptional commitment to the project and determined to help deliver the programme to a high standard. Raphael has also helped promote the project to other young people and recruited his friend who is now also a member of FYA.

Raphael’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award:Shocked and amazed, those are my sentiments. I feel humbled by this honour, working hard feels like second nature to me. Engaging in this project allowed me to thrive on the zealous attribute I possess to work towards success. I’m willing to learn as much as I can, being able to contribute to my local community fills me with pride. I truly thank Fitzrovia Youth In Action for giving me the opportunity to engage in such exciting projects, and Jack Petchey for recognising my work ethic.

Chanel Brunnel

Jack Petchey Winner May 2013: Chanel Burrell

Youth Participation Officer says about Chanel: Chanel is a regular attendee at the In-Sight Study Support sessions we deliver at WKC, and through this she expressed her interest in gaining some work experience in the Marketing and Design industry. Working with Chanel is very pleasing, due to her polite and kind manner. Chanel was incredibly grateful for being offered the opportunity to; complete a week’s work experience and mentoring with Aegis, and has shown great enthusiasm throughout. She has been well presented, positive and has made the most out of this opportunity. Chanel attended both the Work Readiness and Employability workshops; she arrived early and was proactive during sessions, interacting with her peers and presenting her ideas in a constructive and appropriate way.

Chanel’s response to winning a Jack Petchey Award: I conducted a speech on why I should be chosen to receive the Jack Petchey Award and I was fortunate enough to have the most nominations from the team. I am very honoured and appreciative to have been given this award as it represents how much progress I have made as a person.

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