This year’s Camden Youth Action Film Showcase turned out to be a big success! The prestigious Camden Centre was lit up with music, films, and high-energy live performances by some of Camden’s brightest young stars.
We welcomed over 250 guests including young people, adults, and local VIPs; all of whom came together to celebrate the voices and the talents of local young people.
The audience were treated to a range of high quality films made by FYA in collaboration with partner agencies, five of which were funded by the Amy Winehouse Foundation. The films addressed issues concerning young people, such as drugs and alcohol, community cohesion, conflict, and employability, with the key messages displayed in a creative way.
The night also saw dance groups Afrika and God’s Gift Academy, poet Russie and rappers Yanick and Leon, wowing the audience with their lively performances.
We also welcomed on stage Amy Winehouse’s parents Mitch and Janis, who drew the raffle prize draw, and said some very positive words about young people. Mitch said: “Amy would be very proud to be part of this. All you read in the papers is how useless young people are. Well, it’s just not true. Here today we see a shining example for every person in London to see.”
The night was hosted by a team of young presenters: Elle, Fatima, Mobin and Talia, and young people helped out as event stewards: greeting guests, serving food and drinks, as well as creating media. Mobin, 19, also a member of the showcase’s steering group said: “I loved the event. To see the different variety of young people and different dance groups was phenomenal!”
We’d like to thank everyone who attended and took part! If you’d like to relive the moment, check out the images below, or click on the Youtube playlist below to view all the films. Click the “Next” button besides the Play/Pause button to see the next video in the playlist or click the YouTube icon (bottom right) to view the full playlist on YouTube with descriptions of each film.
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