Young people network with Google

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Young people from FYA have been given an exciting opportunity to network and volunteer with employees from technology giant Google at an recent event organised in partnership with Time Bank.

The day begun with some hard work outdoors in the Community Skip Garden behind Kings Cross Station as young people and Google staff worked together in the construction of this community garden.

After lunch, FYA members gave a presentation to Google staff which enabled them to express various issues important to them. Some key topics raised included the problems of youth unemployment, how to take advantage of apprenticeships and difficulties presented by high universities fees. The young people of FYA were united in their feelings that there is a lack of opportunity for self-development, learning new skills and a huge pressure to get into work straight after college.

The day ended with a speed-networking event where each young person met with Google staff in rotation to ask questions about career development and the corporate world. The Google representatives were clearly keen to connect with young people, excited to hear their ideas and plans, and challenged by their questions.

It was a very rewarding and fun day and we would like to thank Google and Time Bank for making this opportunity available to FYA members.


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